Sunday, April 28, 2013

22 weeks

This weekend has been great.  Friday evening we went and watched a Durham bulls baseball game.  We didn't actually go into the game we were at a restaurant.  It has an outside bar that looks over left field.  It was very cool. Then Saturday we went to the farm to visit my aunt and uncle.  The puppies loved running around on all the land with all the other dogs. Today I went to the Women's show with Cheryl.

How far along?  22 weeks Kaysleigh is the size of a papaya 
Total weight gain/loss: I will find out tomorrow when I go to the doctor but I'm guessing around 15 
Maternity clothes?  Always maternity pants.  There are still a few non maternity shirts I can wear.
Best moment this week: Buying more cute clothes for cheap at a yard sale
Movement: Yes It's still a weird feeling not a distinct kick but she's moving all the time.
Symptoms: My back is starting to hurt more often
Food cravings: I haven't really been craving anything specific just food in general.
Food aversions: raw onions
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In
Stretch Marks?  None 
Wedding Ring? On but it's starting to get tighter on hot days
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach and this week at the baseball game a beer would of been nice
What I am looking forward to: On Wednesday we are going to meet the midwives.  We will meet with all the midwives in the group I go to and after get a tour of labor and delivery
Weekly Wisdom: don't stand up to fast when you are pregnant you will feel dizzy and sick

Sunday, April 21, 2013

21 weeks

Eric found this on Facebook

This week has lasted forever.  Eric has been out of town since last Sunday. He finally gets home tomorrow finally.  I've started thinking about this summer and I'm getting nervous. We don't know what we are going to be doing yet.  Usually Eric gets laid off and we go back to east Tennessee and raft for the summer.  Well this summer I obviously can't raft and we don't even know if Eric is getting laid off yet.  If he does and we go back to Tennessee I will have to be going back and forth for doctors appointments. I'm sure everything will workout I can't help but worry though.

On another note people definitely just think I'm fat.  I feel like every time someone looks at me I need to tell them I'm pregnant not fat.  I was at a consignment sale Saturday and while checking out the lady asked me how old my baby was. I told her I was pregnant and she was like o I can't even tell.  I've gained 10+ lbs so I know I look bigger. If she thinks I don't look pregnant then she thinks I'm fat.

O yea I cut off all my hair

How far along?  21 weeks Kaysleigh is the size of a pomegranate 
Total weight gain/loss: I'm guessing 11 lbs 
Maternity clothes?  Mostly maternity pants or ones with elastic I'm wearing a mix of maternity and normal shirts
Best moment this week: Feeling her move all the time
Movement: Yes It's still a weird feeling not a distinct kick but she's moving all the time.
Symptoms: With it being so hot outside my feet and fingers are starting to swell.
Food cravings: I haven't really been craving anything specific just food in general.
Food aversions: nothing
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In
Stretch Marks?  None 
Wedding Ring? On but it's starting to get tighter on hot days
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach
What I am looking forward to: Eric getting home
Weekly Wisdom: 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

She's 1/2 done!

How far along?  20 weeks Kaysleigh is the size of a banana.
Total weight gain/loss: 9.5+ lb  Since I don't have a scale I thought about getting on the one at pet smart but I decided it would be too embarrassing. 
Maternity clothes?  Mostly maternity pants or ones with elastic I'm wearing a mix of maternity and normal shirts
Best moment this week: Getting strawberries at the farmers market
Movement: Yes!  For the first time I was actually sure I felt her move.  Before that there were a few other times I thought I might of felt her but I wasn't sure.
Symptoms: I'm really thirsty and can feel stretching in my stomach/abs.
Food cravings: My new favorite dessert.  It's kinda like banana flambe with no alcohol.
Food aversions: nothing
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In but getting bigger
Stretch Marks?  None 
Wedding Ring? On 
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach
What I am looking forward to: Finishing registering 
Weekly Wisdom: 
Milestones: 1/2 done

Look at my cute puppies.  They are gonna have to get used to not being the center of our lives.

Monday, April 8, 2013

19 weeks

This was after my first prenatal yoga class.  I look pretty big in this picture.  I don't think I usually look this big. People still can't even tell I'm pregnant. 

How far along?  19 weeks She is the size of a mango.
Total weight gain/loss: 9.5 lb
Maternity clothes?  My normal jeans are really uncomfortable. I have two pairs of maternity jeans I'm wearing and a mix of new and old shirts.
Best moment this week: Finding out she's a girl and picking her name
Movement: nope
Symptoms: I'm really thirsty and can feel stretching in my stomach/abs.
Food cravings: salads and sweets
Food aversions: nothing
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In but getting bigger
Stretch Marks?  None 
Wedding Ring? On 
What I miss: We went out Friday night with some friends and everyone was drinking.  I really wanted a beer.
What I am looking forward to: Finishing registering 
Weekly Wisdom: If you want to take prenatal yoga classes start earlier. There was one girl who had been going since she was 4 weeks.  I was still able to do it but I didn't have very good balance.
Milestones: finding out she's a girl

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Baby Benson's name

This week has been very exciting! We found out we are having a girl.  Everything at the ultrasound went great. This time it took a little longer then before. We had a doctor doing the ultrasound who was training. It took her longer to get the right pictures and measurements. It didn't help that our little princess was breech and moving all over the place. The doctor was very nice though and explained everything to us.  The baby is estimated 9 oz and her heart rate is 145. Everything was just perfect.

Since the ultrasound we have been thinking about names. We had already been thinking about names quite a bit. We knew exactly what we were gonna name the baby if it was a boy even though I was pretty sure it was a girl.  For a girl I knew I wanted it to start with "Kay" which was my grandmother's nickname. We wanted the middle name to be from Eric's family. Some of our favorite names were Kaylin, Kayleen, and Kaylayla. We decided to go with Kaysleigh Nedra Benson. Nedra is Eric's Aunt that we lived with off and on for 2 years.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It's a?

In the waiting room

Ready for the ulultrasound
Who was right me or Eric
I was right!

Monday, April 1, 2013

18 weeks

How far along?  18 weeks The baby is the size of a sweet potato
Total weight gain/loss: I'm not sure. i will find out at the doctor this week.
Maternity clothes?  I bought some more clothes this weekend.  The dress I have on is a new one.
Sleep: I'm already getting uncomfortable. I like to sleep on stomach but it's not comfortable anymore so I toss and turn all night
Best moment this week: Going home for Easter.
Movement: nope
Symptoms: really thirsty
Food cravings: Fruit, sweets, and salads
Food aversions: nothing
Gender:we find out tomorrow
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In
Stretch Marks?  None 
Wedding Ring? On 
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach being comfortable.
What I am looking forward to: Going to the doctor and finding out the sex
Weekly Wisdom:

 After church with my cute nephew CJ

This weekend I went to Kingsport for Easter.  Sadly Eric wasn't able to come because he had to work on Sunday.

All of us minus Eric and Cody

The weekend was great while I was in Kingsport.  Once I left it turned into a disaster.  I was on 81 getting ready to get on 77 and there kept being signs for road closure.  So I had to take a detour.  The detour was some curvy back road through VA and NC.  There was so much traffic on this road we were barely moving.  At one point I moved 4 miles in 30 min.  I had to be on this road for 68 miles.  It seemed like there was no end in sight.  Needless to say it wound up adding about 2 hours to my trip. I was suppose to get home at 9:15 but didn't until 11:30.  Then to make it worse I get home and apparently morning sickness is back.
All I could see was brake lights