This week was pretty busy. On Monday I had an appointment with the midwife. It went really great. I got to hear her heart beat again. Kaysleigh's heart rate was 140. It's always kinda nerve racking when they listen to the heart rate because it takes awhile to find it. My placenta is in front so the midwife just keeps finding my heart rate. I also got weighed. I don't have a scale so I only find out how much I've gained when I'm at the doctor. So far I'm up 16 lbs. I feel like that's a lot but they said it was fine.
On Wednesday after work we went to meet the midwives at the hospital. They started out by telling us some statistics about the group and then answered some questions. Apparently the hospital is getting nitous oxide for pain management during labor. Up until a few years ago this was not available in the US only some European countries. It is similar to laughing gas that is used at the dentist but the ratio is different so it doesn't make you fall asleep or feel as loopy. It is been shown to not have an affect on the baby and wears off very quickly so you can still feel to push which is a problem with epidurals. After the midwife answered all the groups questions we got a tour of labor and delivery. I was expecting something like the setup when my mom had my little brother but the rooms were like 1/3 of the size and you switch rooms after the baby is delivered.
Friday we went to Babies R Us to finish registering. This store was huge it was kinda overwhelming especially for Eric. He did much better then when we registered at Target though. He made it a little longer and helped more. We ran into one of the other ladies that was at meet the midwives. She was very nice and told us a better store that had a bigger diaper bag selection. She was also telling us not to buy into all the lists that the store gives you. She said you don't need all that stuff. I had already been looking up registry lists that just have the basics on them. I found this great website It has a quiz you fill out based on your preferences and living space and tells you exactly what you need to register for.
How far along? 23 weeks Kaysleigh is the size of a grapefruit
Total weight gain/loss: 16 lbs
Maternity clothes? yes
Best moment this week:going on the hospital tour
Movement: She moves all the time. I've felt her kick my ribs a few times it feels kinda weird.
Symptoms: My back is starting to hurt more and it's getting harder to bend over.
Food cravings: food
Food aversions: still not really liking raw onion
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In
Stretch Marks? maybe starting to get some on my sides but they may be old ones
Wedding Ring? On but it's starting to get tighter on hot days
What I miss: being comfortable sleeping
What I am looking forward to: my first mothers day
Weekly Wisdom: